Classes & Special Programs
This program is designed to provide a loving and nurturing transition from your home to a school group setting for older two's. They will engage in activities designed to improve communication and language skills, independent self care and hygiene, and gross and fine motor skills. Daily activities include free play, art, stories, music, finger plays, prayer and circle time. Children must be 2.5 years old to attend and are not required to be potty trained. Age exceptions may be discussed with the Preschool Director.
This program encourages both large and small group activities. The children learn to interact cooperatively with others and are offered various classroom activities that will develop their social, cognitive, language and fine motor skills. They will become independent in self-care and hygiene, and must be potty trained in order to attend.
The curriculum introduces the alphabet, colors, shape recognition, counting, patterns and rhythms, and simple science concepts. Activities include free play and teacher directed learning centers, circle time, music, art, and daily prayer.
Four-Year-Olds (Three Day Class)
This program introduces social and academic skills to prepare the children for a positive kindergarten experience which is accomplished through self-expression, free & dramatic independent play, decision making and developing routines.
Cognitive activities include reading readiness, which is accomplished through alphabet and letter sounds, as well as math concepts such as recognizing numbers, colors and shapes. In addition, language and listening skills are emphasized along with basic science and introductory handwriting. Our curriculum is based on Virginia's Early Learning and Development Standards, Birth - Five Learning Guidelines.
Pre-Kindergarten (Five Day Class)
The Pre-Kindergarten program prepares the child for academic success in kindergarten. The benefits of additional days in Pre-K include an introduction to emergent reading skills, a deeper understanding of the alphabet, letter sounds, numbers 1-20, writing skills and simple science and math concepts. They will continue to develop both fine and gross motor skills. The children are encouraged to work independently, respect authority, and interact cooperatively with peers. Free play and directed centers reinforce weekly curricular themes based on Virginia’s Early Learning and Development Standards, Birth - Five Learning Guidelines. The children also participate in a weekly music class.
All students ages three and above should be completely potty independent and will not be allowed to attend school in a pull-up or diaper.

Stay & Play
This program allows children to stay after school for an extended day from the hours of 12:00-1:30 PM.
The program runs two or three days a week, with an additional fee per day. Weekly registration is required.

Summer Camp
This program takes place the first three weeks of June. A great way to kick off summer with your little one, as they transition from the classroom environment to summer fun. Current enrollment at Messiah Preschool is required to attend Summer Camp.

Monday Morning Play Group
Held most Monday mornings during the school year! Bring your little one(s) to us for some socialization and free play! A parent or caregiver must remain with the child. Hours are 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM.